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The Legend of Lake Atagahi

There is no telling how many secrets nature holds, captivating many with a curiosity of the unknown. This mystery fascinates believers and non-believers alike while simultaneously demanding utmost respect. Deep in the 800-mile stretch of the Smoky Mountains lies one such secret that has been the focus of reverence by the Cherokee tribe for centuries: Lake Atagahi. An enchanted lake believed to be at the heart of the Smoky Mountains, it is said to play host to those worthy enough to find it…if they can, that is. 

The legend surrounding Lake Atagahi paints a picture of tranquility and nirvana. It provided an oasis and healing waters for wildlife. However, for those who dared to disrespect this pinnacle of natural beauty, only death awaited. The legend of Lake Atagahi remains an integral ancient lesson that applies even today. But while some believe it’s just that, others think it’s still somewhere in the Smoky Mountains, hidden away by the animals and rumors of ghosts that roam its lush greenery. 

What is the legend of Lake Atagahi?

Ghost lights in a dark forest
Copyright US Ghost Adventures

Lake Atagahi is believed to be only visible to those willing to undergo rigorous spiritual discipline: prayer, fasting, and an all-night vigil. At daybreak, the visitor found worthy with good intentions would be led by the thunderous sound of thousands of birds flapping nearby to a violet body of water fed by several natural springs. If not, they were only met with the sight of a dry mudflat devoid of wildlife. However, those who betrayed their oath met an even darker fate. 

Legend has it that a Cherokee brave visited and saw Lake Atagahi wishing only to gaze upon its natural beauty. He left, but not before marking the location so he could revisit, which he did a few months later. A brutal winter forced the Cherokee to the brink of starvation when the man decided to return to the lake, aiming at a black bear nearby. Shot through the heart with an arrow, the bear submerged itself in the water and emerged on the other side. It turned to the brave and declared in a booming voice the man had betrayed them.

The brave’s body was found in the snow a few days later, and no human has been able to find Lake Atagahi since. Come, step into the shadows, get up close with Gatlinburg’s ghosts, and hear more haunting tales surrounding the Smoky Mountains. Book a ghost tour with Gatlinburg Haunts for a chilling experience you will never forget!

The History of Lake Atagahi

The history of the Smoky Mountains dates back thousands of years to the Paleo-Indian period. Buried deep within it is the legend of Lake Atagahi. Its origins remain shrouded in mystery, but it was renowned throughout Cherokee culture as far back as the 1600s. The Cherokee still believe it’s there today. Others think it no longer exists, having dried up long ago, or have searched for the mysterious sanctuary in vain. Skeptics view it as a myth, simply an attempt to explain the unknown of which nature has plenty of. 

Nevertheless, the legend of Lake Atagahi still captivates believers and non-believers alike, partly due to another legend associated with it. From the top of Clingmans Dome, just at sunrise, one can observe the morning mist rising from the waters of this elusive lake, which is so difficult to find that only the animals know the way.

Hauntings overview

As if the threat of wild animals wasn’t enough to caution against profane behavior, it has been said that Lake Atagahi carries its own fair share of ghosts. The most noted are a pair of Cherokee siblings who inhabited the Smoky Mountains region long ago. 

Utani and Netani

Ghosts in a dark forest
Copyright US Ghost Adventures

Utani, a tall and strong Cherokee on the cusp of being considered a brave was enthralled with a new sharp knife he had been given. One day, he found himself admiring the sun’s bright reflection glimmering off its blade when his curious younger sister, Netani, begged to know the reason behind his obsession. Not wanting to sound childish, he told her it was the sun giving him directions to Lake Atagahi. However, he quickly realized he had committed to something he may not be able to fulfill. Nevertheless, Utani was determined to prove himself as a brave and decided it was time to play the intrepid role. 

Together, Utani and Netani traversed the rocky terrain of the Smoky Mountains. Hours passed like minutes, and without success, Utani turned around to lead his tired sister back home. Along the way, he accidentally kicked a pebble that rolled across the trail and down a bank, making a plop as it fell into water- it was Lake Atagahi. What they saw was every bit as they had imagined. They pushed past the foliage, hiding the breathtaking view of a lake teeming with fish and reptiles, fed by surrounding crystal clear springs cascading down several cliffs. On the shore, bears, deer, and different birds gathered among the lush greenery decorated with a myriad of colorful butterflies. Nearing sundown, the siblings returned home to tell their parents and elders about their discovery. 

It has been said that the apparitions of these siblings can still be seen by the lake, with Utani leading his curious younger sister, Netani, around. However, no one is certain why. Some believe it’s because of the lake’s mystical nature, blending the past with the present. Or perhaps there’s something more to the story of these daring young Cherokee siblings. 

Haunted Gatlinburg

Gatlinburg, Tennessee, is a quaint mountain town nestled in the heart of the Smoky Mountains that serves as a gateway community for visitors and locals to natural parks. ⁤⁤It’s also a gateway to something else, however, something much darker. Another world hiding behind the veil of the living connected to Gatlinburg’s deep history and mystery.  Concealed beneath its idyllic facade of charming streets lined with quaint shops and cozy cabins lies a world filled with ghost sightings and tales that send shivers tip-toeing up your spine. ⁤

⁤Lake Atagahi is one such tale that enthralls believers and non-believers to the present day. ⁤⁤A mysterious lake that remains alive and pulsating in Cherokee legend, it is a prime example of nature’s full beauty. ⁤⁤For others, it serves as a cautionary tale of the unknown that nature holds, leaving truth seekers wondering: would they even want to find such a place? ⁤⁤Delve deeper into the ghostly side of Gatlinburg and book a ghost tour with Gatlinburg Haunts. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, and keep reading our blog for more real Tennessee hauntings.


Book A Gatlinburg Haunts Tour And See For Yourself

Experience the haunted side of this tiny town and the mysteries it harbors, known only to the hermit-like early inhabitants of the formerly suspicious community. Feuds, witches, ancient Scots, and Celtic traditions live on in this remote corner of the Smoky mountains.

Join Gatlinburg Haunts for a ghost tour into the eerie corners of this quaint mountain town. Our stories include cannibals, family feuds that go back generations, and witchcraft. See where ghosts of the past are seen walking these streets to this day, and learn of their spine-tingling hauntings and history as they search for the peace they were unable to find in this quaint corner of Tennessee.